On Friday, 17.01.2025, there will happen the first meeting of the “Meet my Culture” cycle in this calendar year. This time, it is going to concern the Slovak culture.
The students of the DTI University in Dubnica nad Váhom, who attend to our University within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme are going to present well known and less known facts about our southern neighbours. The meeting will be enriched by a taste of the Slovak cuisine specialities.
The event is going to be held on the IV floor of the L building, starting at noon. Its frame programme is as follows:
- 12:00 Official opening of the event – mgr Aleksandra Hasior, the Institutional Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Programme, dr Dagmara Mika, mgr inż. Bartosz Dębowski, International Relations Office
- 12:10 „Internationalisation starts at home – the right direction” – presentation of the project goals – dr Dagmara Mika
- 12:30 „Polish-Slovak bilateral relations” – dr Dagmara Mika, mgr inż. Bartosz Dębowski
- 13:00 „Slovak Culture – What it Can Surprise You by” – Slovak Erasmus+ students of the University of Bielsko-Biala
- 13:30 „Stereotypes about the Slovaks and Cultural Differences” – Slovak Erasmus+ students of the University of Bielsko-Biala
- 14:15 Quiz on the Slovak culture (with prizes) – dr Dagmara Mika, mgr inż. Bartosz Dębowski
- 14:45 „Slovak Cuisine and Customs” – presentation of Slovak meals and customs – Slovak Erasmus+ students of the University of Bielsko-Biala
- 15:15 Tasting of the traditional Slovak specialities – integration and discussion
- 16:00 Summary and closing
We invite you to participate!