University of Bielsko-Biala - University For You!
First event of the “Meet my culture” cycle
International Week - summary
BIP invitation “Biofuels and Biochemicals from Waste Materials”
4th Transnational Project Meeting of the Social Blend Project Partners
Bilateral agreement between the UBB and the University of Malta
Orientation Days at the University of Bielsko-Biala
Remember to Remember project team in Belgium
International Week in October 2023!
Erasmus+ Trainees of the University of Bielsko-Biala visited the Sulkowski Dukes’ Castle
Visit of guests from the Czech Republic, Estonia and Spain
Poland My First Choice NAWA – the call for applications is now open!
Blended Intensive Programmes - Summer School in the University of Maribor
Culture Day: Music from all around the World
Erasmus+ project meeting on Iceland
Remember to Rememeber – a new Erasmus+ project
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